Merry Christmas to All!
I can't believe the day is upon us! All of the shopping, organizing, wrapping and unpacking can cease for the precious few moments when we will sit with family and friends to celebrate. In church we talked about the Advent candle, and tonight we will light our last candle to signify the joy found in the birth of Jesus Christ. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, and may you experience the peace found through knowing, accepting and loving Him.
We are here!!
We are so thankful to be living in our own home! As many of you know we currently moved out of the rents house and into our lovely dwelling. Everyday we are thankful for God's perfect timing and blessing upon us. Andi, Erick and Audrey-- it was so good to see you. Thompson family, I apologize, we finished early and left around 11:45. We truly miss you! Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure...

As you can see there isn't much up on the walls yet. We have been busy shopping, wrapping, baking and whatever else goes along with the season. I've been working on our very first Christmas letter. After four years we decided it was time to give family and friends an annual update, which is why it is important I have all my friends' addresses (feel free to e-mail me anytime) : ) Isaiah and I are still working out the new home kinks and figuring out its quirks, being an old house there are a few things to work through. Despite all the work of moving it is such a great feeling to have a home. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and if I don't blog before then, have a Happy New Year!
We are so thankful to be living in our own home! As many of you know we currently moved out of the rents house and into our lovely dwelling. Everyday we are thankful for God's perfect timing and blessing upon us. Andi, Erick and Audrey-- it was so good to see you. Thompson family, I apologize, we finished early and left around 11:45. We truly miss you! Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure...

As you can see there isn't much up on the walls yet. We have been busy shopping, wrapping, baking and whatever else goes along with the season. I've been working on our very first Christmas letter. After four years we decided it was time to give family and friends an annual update, which is why it is important I have all my friends' addresses (feel free to e-mail me anytime) : ) Isaiah and I are still working out the new home kinks and figuring out its quirks, being an old house there are a few things to work through. Despite all the work of moving it is such a great feeling to have a home. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and if I don't blog before then, have a Happy New Year!

For all our Bellingham friends -- We will be in the area late on Friday night 12/8. If you want to stop by and say hello we will be at our old appartment complex early Saturday morning to mid-afternoon. We will be busy loading but feel free to come on over : ) We would love to see you all!!
What I've Been Doing...

Isaiah and I have been busy getting into painting. I haven't taken many pictures of Isaiah's work, but the painting with the 94 in it is by him. He's been doing some really cool industrial art that I will show you once he's finished. Life has been very crazy with school and figuring out life. It's been a while since I've blogged or even checked my e-mail because I have this new outlet. It feels good to post though : ) For those that don't yet know, Isaiah and I got the place we wanted(hallelujah!), which means that my anxiety has decreased significantly. We move in December 9th, so to all Bellingham friends, we will be in the area. Have a relaxing Sunday!

Sinus pressure, dizziness, cough and the overwhelming & constant feeling that I am going to sneeze keeps me home today. Sure I feel "well" enough to tough through the day, but working with medically fragile children has forced me to reconsider my position on the matter. After 13.75 hours of sleep and numerous vitamin C kick-those-germs-in-the-butt pills I am thankful for my recosideration (is that even a word?). Rest was needed as well as some quality time with my Dad. I went to his house on my way to the store, and ended up staying a few hours partly because I was feeling a little too dizzy to drive and partly because I was enjoying the company. My Dad and I don't get to see each other very often, he works nights. But it was good hanging out with him, eating chicken noodle soup, watching movies, and being babied. Even though I felt crummy it felt good to be his little girl for the afternoon.
Tomorrow I will go back to work and take on 11 kids, 10+ needy adults and boat loads of paperwork. All the while I will continually reminisce about my day to rest, hanging out with my Dad, and getting over this bug. Into the insanity I plunge, ready with my Sudafed and orange juice to take on the slobber covered kid fingers and goobery high-fives. Tonight I raise my glass of effervescence airborne to the 9 sick days I have remaining; the 9 more opportunities to totally forget about adult responsibility.

I came across this journal entry written during my time in Greece. Although I have many good memories of my time in Europe, this entry reminded me of the deep loneliness I felt during the times when Isaiah was busy at school all day. There were a few moments that I felt isolated: not knowing the language, no real way to get around (except by foot), and Isaiah in school. There were many times abroad that I felt challenged and pulled in ways I never would have expected. Anyway, it's late and I can't sleep so I thought I would share the entry with you...
April 21, 2006
It's not the sound of silence that deafens me, in fact all my senses are assaulted.
I hear motorcycles soar by
the taverna's blare welcoming music
distant church bells ring--demanding attention
I smell food as restaurants prepare for dinner
the salty sea breeze off the bitter wind
freshly baked goods-- making mouths water
I see freshly painted fishing boats
crystal and sparkling blue water
packs of friendly Greek dogs--sniffing out a bite to eat
I taste the lovely fruits from the market
the dry wine of Kefolonia
the olive oil in every entree served
No. It's not the sound of silence that deafens me....
It's the sound of my silence
Like a force, noise rocks my senses
Like a force, silence binds my once free spirit... me
No. It's not the sound of silence that deafens me,
it's the sound of my silence that deafens my spirits, my character, maybe even my soul.
Ahh... The Beginnings of Fall

My favorite time of year is when all the trees change colors to, vibrant, warm and welcoming shades. I love walking in the crisp air, leaves crunching beneath, as I take in the sights and sounds of busy little creatures preparing for the weather to come. It makes me want to curl up on the sofa with a cozy blanket and drink mint tea. Soups and stews soon become a common dinner or lunch time meal. And every walk or run outside is taken as if it will be the last before the rain starts. This season can't be taken for granted.
Fall begs me to reflect on the happenings of the year-- to re-asses my self, stance, postion, circumstance-- to see that I too can change, grow, renew. The tornados of the year have picked me up, stripped me off I all cling to and scattered the remnants for all to see. It's a humbling seeing my faults laid bare. Just as the trees shed layers, to prepare for the seasons ahead, I too shed my layers (although mine aren't as pretty as the colors of Fall). I choose the attributes I like, and leave behind the things that hold me down, darken my countenance and empty my spirits.
This season it too beautiful, to metaphorical, to full of good smells for me to let it pass. Fall is my time to break free and escape from the burdens. This season is my time to see God move through me just as he moves through nature-- first changing, sheding, and (after the storms pass) sweet new beginnings.

My favorite time of year is when all the trees change colors to, vibrant, warm and welcoming shades. I love walking in the crisp air, leaves crunching beneath, as I take in the sights and sounds of busy little creatures preparing for the weather to come. It makes me want to curl up on the sofa with a cozy blanket and drink mint tea. Soups and stews soon become a common dinner or lunch time meal. And every walk or run outside is taken as if it will be the last before the rain starts. This season can't be taken for granted.
Fall begs me to reflect on the happenings of the year-- to re-asses my self, stance, postion, circumstance-- to see that I too can change, grow, renew. The tornados of the year have picked me up, stripped me off I all cling to and scattered the remnants for all to see. It's a humbling seeing my faults laid bare. Just as the trees shed layers, to prepare for the seasons ahead, I too shed my layers (although mine aren't as pretty as the colors of Fall). I choose the attributes I like, and leave behind the things that hold me down, darken my countenance and empty my spirits.
This season it too beautiful, to metaphorical, to full of good smells for me to let it pass. Fall is my time to break free and escape from the burdens. This season is my time to see God move through me just as he moves through nature-- first changing, sheding, and (after the storms pass) sweet new beginnings.

So the first day of training and introductions at Starbucks, this amazing new opportunity simply falls into the lap of Isaiah...A job with a sign company, who would have thought! As it turns out, Casey (Isaiah's brother) was at some leadership meeting and struck up a conversation with this lady. This lady mentioned they were looking to fill a position, but didn't want just any Joe Shmoe. Casey suggested his little brother, and what do you know--- Isaiah had the job before they even met!
The most amazing thing about this is the timing. Isaiah had his first Starbucks training day scheduled but the night before this lady called --- She told him to come before his training just to check it out. He liked the people, the place, the creativity, the job. Needless to say he wanted to be sure, so he attended his training for Starbucks. You can imagine how awkward it was when at the end of his Starbucks training he said; "I'm really sorry to bring this up now, but I may have an opportunity for a full time position some where else." He was very gracious and his would-have-been boss seemed to understand--- She gave him until 10am the next day to answer.
Later that day he was at home weighing his options when he got a phone call from this lady at the sign company--- After many encouraging words and the reassuring "you don't need to interview, you're hired," Isaiah accepted the job. Not even two minutes after accepting the call, the would-have-been boss from Starbucks called and wanted the answer sooner than tomorrow morning. Wow! The timing of it all! So now my adorable husband has a company truck, benefits, and bigger business prospects than he was expecting. Our life lately is laughable!
Dreams unfolding...
Below is the essence of RE -- a business that Isaiah is starting

These bar stools were pretty dingy when Isaiah first got them-- he ended up polishing them and repairing a patch. The table was refinished and adapted to fit the height of the chairs, making it all complete set.

RE is a business idea that Isaiah and his brothers have had for a couple years. It wasn't until Isaiah and I were without jobs and had an excess of time that we realized how perfect it would be to get this idea off the ground. The general concept of RE is to take junk that people no longer want and, using other found materials, make it into something new again. For the last month Isaiah has been a Craig's List addict, finding things off the free list to fix up. The red retro chairs above were reupholstered using the material from a Stratolounger recliner-- He bought the chairs for $12 and sold them for $110. Isaiah purchased the green bar stools for $20, spiffed them up, and sold them for $100.
Isaiah has recently been hired by the infamous Starbucks Coffee Co., meaning we have proof of two incomes and can rent our own place! Yeah! I think that it is so interesting how the Lord has been providing for us. He has given Isaiah an opportunity to start the business of his dreams and a part time job for benefits and additional income (which makes wife really happy). The Lord has also pulled some strings to provide me with afternoon sub hours, and a potential (in the works) opportunity to take on a full time position.
Isaiah and I are still holding out for this duplex that is currently rented (until the end of November). We were too poor and without jobs when we first looked at it, and I think that this place has been the motivation for Isaiah and I to keep pushing through difficult times. Right now it is a matter of re-filling out the application, and the Lord will take on the rest. There are many days when I have to stop myself from picturing us living there for fear that we won't get it... I guess my prayer is that if this place isn't supposed to be ours that our spirits wouldn't be crushed.
Below is the essence of RE -- a business that Isaiah is starting
These are the before and after photos of some retro chairs Isaiah picked up for $12.

These bar stools were pretty dingy when Isaiah first got them-- he ended up polishing them and repairing a patch. The table was refinished and adapted to fit the height of the chairs, making it all complete set.

RE is a business idea that Isaiah and his brothers have had for a couple years. It wasn't until Isaiah and I were without jobs and had an excess of time that we realized how perfect it would be to get this idea off the ground. The general concept of RE is to take junk that people no longer want and, using other found materials, make it into something new again. For the last month Isaiah has been a Craig's List addict, finding things off the free list to fix up. The red retro chairs above were reupholstered using the material from a Stratolounger recliner-- He bought the chairs for $12 and sold them for $110. Isaiah purchased the green bar stools for $20, spiffed them up, and sold them for $100.
Isaiah has recently been hired by the infamous Starbucks Coffee Co., meaning we have proof of two incomes and can rent our own place! Yeah! I think that it is so interesting how the Lord has been providing for us. He has given Isaiah an opportunity to start the business of his dreams and a part time job for benefits and additional income (which makes wife really happy). The Lord has also pulled some strings to provide me with afternoon sub hours, and a potential (in the works) opportunity to take on a full time position.
Isaiah and I are still holding out for this duplex that is currently rented (until the end of November). We were too poor and without jobs when we first looked at it, and I think that this place has been the motivation for Isaiah and I to keep pushing through difficult times. Right now it is a matter of re-filling out the application, and the Lord will take on the rest. There are many days when I have to stop myself from picturing us living there for fear that we won't get it... I guess my prayer is that if this place isn't supposed to be ours that our spirits wouldn't be crushed.

A day to rest, renew and refresh...
After surviving the first week of my first year of teaching I feel as though I can take on anything. Every veteran teacher thus far has given me the advice to "take time out for myself," which makes sense, but isn't entirely possible until a few bits and pieces are put into place. I have to admit that I worked until 8pm on Friday night and from 3pm - 9pm on Saturday BUT that was all with the intention that I would be totally prepared for Monday, leaving Sunday a purely free day. Now I am here, my free day, and totally thankful that I pushed through it all instead of falling back on the oh so familiar-- "Oh, I've worked so long...My brain really can't think...I'll come back tomorrow morning, first thing, and get this done!" So as I awoke this morning I was already feeling peaceful and content with thoughts of having a restful day.
A couple weekends ago an amazing trip took place with a group of friends-- it was a reunion of sorts and, I'm confident to say, is in the works of becoming an annual event. My poor excuse for documenting this special weekend are represented in a few pictures posted below-- for more pictures stay tuned to Jenny's Homepage which can be reached by clicking her name on the side bar. Maybe she would be kind enough to post her pictures : )
During the busy work week I like to think back to that fun weekend-- my last horaa! It's been slow getting used to this work stuff. For the last five months I have been on this whilrwind vacation. First three months in Greece, graduation, and then an entire summer break. Needless to say I am back on track with the typical American lifestyle-- sleep, eat, walk the dog, work. Right now I'm okay with it, but I can see how it all could get very redundant! Which is all the more reason to set aside a day to rejuvinate. All this to explain why my Sunday's are sooo precious. It is the Lord's desginated day of rest after all. Happy Sunday!
After surviving the first week of my first year of teaching I feel as though I can take on anything. Every veteran teacher thus far has given me the advice to "take time out for myself," which makes sense, but isn't entirely possible until a few bits and pieces are put into place. I have to admit that I worked until 8pm on Friday night and from 3pm - 9pm on Saturday BUT that was all with the intention that I would be totally prepared for Monday, leaving Sunday a purely free day. Now I am here, my free day, and totally thankful that I pushed through it all instead of falling back on the oh so familiar-- "Oh, I've worked so long...My brain really can't think...I'll come back tomorrow morning, first thing, and get this done!" So as I awoke this morning I was already feeling peaceful and content with thoughts of having a restful day.
A couple weekends ago an amazing trip took place with a group of friends-- it was a reunion of sorts and, I'm confident to say, is in the works of becoming an annual event. My poor excuse for documenting this special weekend are represented in a few pictures posted below-- for more pictures stay tuned to Jenny's Homepage which can be reached by clicking her name on the side bar. Maybe she would be kind enough to post her pictures : )
During the busy work week I like to think back to that fun weekend-- my last horaa! It's been slow getting used to this work stuff. For the last five months I have been on this whilrwind vacation. First three months in Greece, graduation, and then an entire summer break. Needless to say I am back on track with the typical American lifestyle-- sleep, eat, walk the dog, work. Right now I'm okay with it, but I can see how it all could get very redundant! Which is all the more reason to set aside a day to rejuvinate. All this to explain why my Sunday's are sooo precious. It is the Lord's desginated day of rest after all. Happy Sunday!

A reminder of the lovely summer days, with nothing to do but take a quick snapshot
I can't believe how long it has been since I last blogged!! There is so much I want to write about and as I pass the computer on my way to work at 6:45 in the morning I linger long enough to imagine what my blog title would be for that day. It is official-- school has started as well as my first EVER teaching job. Stressful?...yes. Nerve racking?...why not. But surprisingly at every moment that I have had reason to worry or questions in need of resolution, someone has been there to answer. Thank you Lord! Fellow teachers can I get some form of agreement here?? Anyway, I'm alive and getting by. I just want you all to know this until I can have a break to blog my heart out.

I can't believe how long it has been since I last blogged!! There is so much I want to write about and as I pass the computer on my way to work at 6:45 in the morning I linger long enough to imagine what my blog title would be for that day. It is official-- school has started as well as my first EVER teaching job. Stressful?...yes. Nerve racking?...why not. But surprisingly at every moment that I have had reason to worry or questions in need of resolution, someone has been there to answer. Thank you Lord! Fellow teachers can I get some form of agreement here?? Anyway, I'm alive and getting by. I just want you all to know this until I can have a break to blog my heart out.
Our first house sitting assignment was simple...water plants and sleep/live in house. This current house sitting assignments has been interesting. It includes the following components: plants to water, beautiful old home in Portland to tend, seven month old Lakeland Terrier to watch and feed and play with (side note: this doggie has never been alone longer than four hours), and last but definantly not least the fattest cat you will ever meet who just so happens to need insulin shots twice a day. Like I said...interesting. Tonight is our last night here and this experience has taught me one thing....I DO NOT want a puppy. I have to admit that although Izzy (short for Isabelle), can be cute at times...she can be a royal pain in the arss. This crazy dog goes nuts when any water is running (seriously, she tried to chew through the fence to get to the neighbors sprinkler), has been caught eating her own poo (multiple times), and finds endless delight in tug of war. The cat. This is a different story...Orlando (or as we like to call him "Kitty") has diabetes, and therefore needs insulin shots twice a day. The problem has been this, Kitty is on his last leg of life and is not eating-- insulin can't be given on an empty stomach, because Kitty could go into shock. Ug! So just imagine Isaiah and I force feeding Kitty with watered down cat food via a turkey baster. I's ugly, but don't worry, the cat was not and will not be harmed. The insanity ends tomorrow...thank goodness! Our end goal is this-- 1) survive one more day of keeping Izzy away from poo, 2) keep the house together and not kill plants and 3) keep Kitty alive!

I just finished my week long new teacher training. It was amazing all the work they put into the week to make us feel supported and welcome. The last day (today) the superintendent had a suprise for us. He told us about his situation when he first started teaching...married, broke, barely enough to get by. On top of all that he wouldn't receive his paycheck until the end of September. Sounds familiar : ) Anyway, he arranged it so that we could get our paycheck we got our week worth of wages today! It is amazing how the Lord has been taking care of us. Just the day before Isaiah informed me he was broke...when he told me how little we had I didn't break out in tears (which I've been doing a lot lately) instead, I felt this overwhelming sense of peace. I was able to comfort and reassure him even though I didn't know how we would get gas in the car. I know the paycheck, our manna from heaven, is just enough to keep us going. It's a reminder of the Lord's faithfulness to us. We are continually blessed and rich in the love and graciousness of our Lord, and I just feel obligated to share that with you all.
Recipe of the Week: Salad Rolls

This is my latest inspiration. I love food. Recently decided that I need to eat healthier. Why not share my inspiration with my friends and family? This recipe is packed with veggies and all around yumminess. In other words-- it tastes good AND it's healthy. What a concept! I hope you enjoy this recipe along with others that will follow.
You need:
Carrots (peeled-- yeah, eat the shavings)
Cucumber (julienned)
Fresh Bean Sprouts
Tofu (extra firm) or Shrimp
Red Leaf Lettuce (do not chop, just peal off the whole leaf and wash)
Small Rice Noodles (found in most Asian markets)
Round Rice Paper (also found in most Asian markets)
Soy Sauce
Sweet Chili Sauce
Large round bowl or a pan with a lip (to hold water)
Smooth kitchen towel
You do:
Prep all the veggies.
The mint, basil, and cilantro don't need to be chopped unless you want to.
Cook the noodles and the tofu or shrimp.
Boil water.
Pour the hot water into the large bowl or pan.
Layout the towel on a hard, flat surface (like, the counter)
Dip the rice paper into the hot water and wait approx. 2 minutes or until it is soft.
Gently pull the rice paper from the water and place on the kitchen towel so it is flat.
Fill the middle with everything except the sauce (lay the lettuce over the top-- you may have to trim the end to adjust to the size).
Gently roll it like a burrito, try to make it tight for easy eating.
If the paper tears just prep another rice paper and re-roll it (bascially, just double up the wrap).
Serve with the soy sauce and sweet chili sauce. Enjoy!

This is my latest inspiration. I love food. Recently decided that I need to eat healthier. Why not share my inspiration with my friends and family? This recipe is packed with veggies and all around yumminess. In other words-- it tastes good AND it's healthy. What a concept! I hope you enjoy this recipe along with others that will follow.
You need:
Carrots (peeled-- yeah, eat the shavings)
Cucumber (julienned)
Fresh Bean Sprouts
Tofu (extra firm) or Shrimp
Red Leaf Lettuce (do not chop, just peal off the whole leaf and wash)
Small Rice Noodles (found in most Asian markets)
Round Rice Paper (also found in most Asian markets)
Soy Sauce
Sweet Chili Sauce
Large round bowl or a pan with a lip (to hold water)
Smooth kitchen towel
You do:
Prep all the veggies.
The mint, basil, and cilantro don't need to be chopped unless you want to.
Cook the noodles and the tofu or shrimp.
Boil water.
Pour the hot water into the large bowl or pan.
Layout the towel on a hard, flat surface (like, the counter)
Dip the rice paper into the hot water and wait approx. 2 minutes or until it is soft.
Gently pull the rice paper from the water and place on the kitchen towel so it is flat.
Fill the middle with everything except the sauce (lay the lettuce over the top-- you may have to trim the end to adjust to the size).
Gently roll it like a burrito, try to make it tight for easy eating.
If the paper tears just prep another rice paper and re-roll it (bascially, just double up the wrap).
Serve with the soy sauce and sweet chili sauce. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: The following message is mere speculation. The author is by no means a Bible Scholar and does not promote misinterpretation of the Bible. The author does promote the discussing of the Word and encourages others to share, agree, and rebuke any of the following commentary. You have been warned.
My two married special education cohorts and I recently decided to do a study on the book of Ruth. I wanted to type an e-mail to them (Jen and Deb) to comment and discuss, and then I thought.. "How cool would it be to get other people involved in this discussion?" There you have it. Fellow bloggers (all five of you who look at my blog) I hope you will assist me in this effort.
Chapter 1:
Setting the stage-- Isn't it amazing how God uses our most desperate and painful moments to show us His amazing grace? I know I'm jumping ahead a bit, but from the first part of chapter one you see everything meaningful to Naomi is taken from her. By the end of the chapter she is so full of sorrow she doesn't even want her own name: "Don't call me Naomi," she told them. "Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the Lord has brought misfortune unpon me. " Now if I were Ruth I might be thinking, "Whoa, what am I? Chopped liver??" Blinded by her grief, Naomi can't see the true jem God has given her; the one who will be a key player in bringing back the hope in Naomi's life....Ruth.
Now I know I have glossed over some really beautiful parts of chapter one... I think that I will never cease to be touched in some way by the parting of Orpah, Ruth and Naomi. One of the most beautiful moments in scripture is the dedication, determination and bravery Ruth displays when she begs Naomi to let her stay. This brings tears to my eyes: But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me. "
Can you just picture saying those words in prayer to God? What about your husband? I think I am moved by these words because it indicates a desperation on Ruth's behalf to leave (or dare I say escape from) the people, lifestyle and religion she knew and grew up with. A little background on Moab's origin compliments of The Bible Knowledge Commentary... Lot's two daughter's were upset and ready to do anything to secure a future after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah so they came up with a twisted plan- they got their dad drunk, slept with him and became pregnant. Great beginning huh? Well their sons, Moab and Ben-Ammi went on to become founders of the Moabites and Ammonites. Yikes. Anyway, Ruth is at a ground breaking moment... She is shutting the door on her culture, religion and roots.
Let me know what you think.
My two married special education cohorts and I recently decided to do a study on the book of Ruth. I wanted to type an e-mail to them (Jen and Deb) to comment and discuss, and then I thought.. "How cool would it be to get other people involved in this discussion?" There you have it. Fellow bloggers (all five of you who look at my blog) I hope you will assist me in this effort.
Chapter 1:
Setting the stage-- Isn't it amazing how God uses our most desperate and painful moments to show us His amazing grace? I know I'm jumping ahead a bit, but from the first part of chapter one you see everything meaningful to Naomi is taken from her. By the end of the chapter she is so full of sorrow she doesn't even want her own name: "Don't call me Naomi," she told them. "Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the Lord has brought misfortune unpon me. " Now if I were Ruth I might be thinking, "Whoa, what am I? Chopped liver??" Blinded by her grief, Naomi can't see the true jem God has given her; the one who will be a key player in bringing back the hope in Naomi's life....Ruth.
Now I know I have glossed over some really beautiful parts of chapter one... I think that I will never cease to be touched in some way by the parting of Orpah, Ruth and Naomi. One of the most beautiful moments in scripture is the dedication, determination and bravery Ruth displays when she begs Naomi to let her stay. This brings tears to my eyes: But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me. "
Can you just picture saying those words in prayer to God? What about your husband? I think I am moved by these words because it indicates a desperation on Ruth's behalf to leave (or dare I say escape from) the people, lifestyle and religion she knew and grew up with. A little background on Moab's origin compliments of The Bible Knowledge Commentary... Lot's two daughter's were upset and ready to do anything to secure a future after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah so they came up with a twisted plan- they got their dad drunk, slept with him and became pregnant. Great beginning huh? Well their sons, Moab and Ben-Ammi went on to become founders of the Moabites and Ammonites. Yikes. Anyway, Ruth is at a ground breaking moment... She is shutting the door on her culture, religion and roots.
Let me know what you think.

A shared idea...
Isaiah and I recently decided we wanted to open a clothing line that has a edgy urban feel to it. We really like the concept of Urban Outfitters but we hate some of the inappropriate stuff they tend to carry. We want to be a bit more wholesome than that. Here's a design that Isaiah made using textures and portions of multiple pictures he has taken:
Isaiah and I recently decided we wanted to open a clothing line that has a edgy urban feel to it. We really like the concept of Urban Outfitters but we hate some of the inappropriate stuff they tend to carry. We want to be a bit more wholesome than that. Here's a design that Isaiah made using textures and portions of multiple pictures he has taken:

Ever since I have returned home from my three month long stay in Greece I haven't made a single effort to contact the people I met and grew close to while I was there. There, I said it! I have made so many excuses as to why I haven't attempted an e-mail or ANYTHING to let these girls know that I love them and miss them, and now I feel that there is no excuse left. Is that odd? It's like life was on hold while I was gone, and when we came back it was almost as if I never even left. Life just started back up and I went into the flow of American life-- driving, running errands, working out, applying for jobs.... It seems as though life in Greece wasn't really life at all because it was so different. I mean the pace, the energy, the people, the communication, the location, the overall lifestyle was sooo different that I feel like it didn't even exist.
Greece DID, in fact, happen. Bottom line. Just this last weekend Isaiah and I were on a day trip to the beach with his brother, sister-in-law and darling niece. On the ride over Amber told me that we hadn't told them any stories about our time in Greece... That really got me thinking. I was able to recall some stuff that could constitute a "good story," and I think the more I processed her comment the more I wanted to remember-- to look at the pictures and reminisce. Greece did happen. I enjoyed it in many ways and struggled in others, but for some reason it is hard for me to make those contacts with the people who made the experience.
Now that I have this all out in print...I think I am avoiding hearing from the girls because I want to be there again-- hanging out on the beach, playing pool at the wee hours of the morning (getting free drinks from the bartender because we're the only chicks there : )), and just simply talking and taking delight in our differences. I miss them and I miss the time we shared and I know that that is a once in a lifetime thing-- I will never again experience Greece the way I did with them there. Does any of this make sense? I don't want it to sound like psycho-babble but maybe I'm avoiding e-mailing these girls who mean so much to me because I ___fill in the blank___ . I don't know! What I do know is that tomorrow is a new day, and tomorrow I will e-mail them this crazy blurp that has beem milling around in my head for the last few days. Sound good?

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