My favorite time of year is when all the trees change colors to, vibrant, warm and welcoming shades. I love walking in the crisp air, leaves crunching beneath, as I take in the sights and sounds of busy little creatures preparing for the weather to come. It makes me want to curl up on the sofa with a cozy blanket and drink mint tea. Soups and stews soon become a common dinner or lunch time meal. And every walk or run outside is taken as if it will be the last before the rain starts. This season can't be taken for granted.
Fall begs me to reflect on the happenings of the year-- to re-asses my self, stance, postion, circumstance-- to see that I too can change, grow, renew. The tornados of the year have picked me up, stripped me off I all cling to and scattered the remnants for all to see. It's a humbling seeing my faults laid bare. Just as the trees shed layers, to prepare for the seasons ahead, I too shed my layers (although mine aren't as pretty as the colors of Fall). I choose the attributes I like, and leave behind the things that hold me down, darken my countenance and empty my spirits.
This season it too beautiful, to metaphorical, to full of good smells for me to let it pass. Fall is my time to break free and escape from the burdens. This season is my time to see God move through me just as he moves through nature-- first changing, sheding, and (after the storms pass) sweet new beginnings.
Have I ever told you how beautiful your words are? When you wrote emails from Greece, I could smell the markets, hear the ocean, feel the warm breeze, and taste the foods. You have an amazing way of describing your surroundings that I can only be envious of.
Awww, thanks Nate! How are you guys?
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