
Our Christmas Letter 2007

Hello friends and family!

We hope that this holiday season has been a memorable one for you. For Isaiah and I December marks a full year living in our Vancouver home. It is truly amazing how time flies! We welcomed an addition to the Wyckoff family on Christmas Eve… our handsome nephew, Isaac John (9lbs 3oz and 20 ¼ inches long) finally came into the world. Finally! Isaiah and I spent Christmas Eve with my family, eating our traditional Cioppino and exchanging gifts. Christmas day was spent with the Wyckoff’s, where we enjoyed brunch, gift exchanges and a trip to the hospital to visit Casey, Melanie and new baby Isaac.
I was looking over my last Christmas letter and a certain conversation I have had with Isaiah on three separate occasions came to mind. In high school, right before graduation, Isaiah and I talked about where we thought we would be in five years. I don’t really remember what was said, but I do remember having the conversation during college and then again after our Greece trip. I guess I’ve reached a point where I realize that it doesn’t matter where we are in five years as long as God is our center and focus.
Isaiah and I are so blessed and I could not picture life any different than where it is now. We are near our family, we share a love with each other that will continue to stand firm, we have jobs to provide for our daily needs and we have dreams that (God willing) have become our pursuit in fulfilling. All this to say that what does it matter where we will be in five or ten or twenty years from now? We rest in the knowledge that the ultimate Provider cares for us and our dreams.
We hope that this season can bring joy where there was pain and laughter where there was sorrow in the hearts of all our friends and family. May God bless you in the New Year!

Isaiah and Rachel


Ug! It has been so long since I posted! Our Internet is a little touch-and-go, but as long as I'm in a very specific spot I can use the Internet to my hearts content. So, hello! I hope everyone's Easter was enjoyable. Isaiah and I had a good, relaxing time. The Easter holiday always makes me thankful, joyful too, but always thankful. I felt inclined to take pictures of the things that bring me joy and thankfulness.. you know, the little things. Here is my compilation of those little daily reminders to tell God, "thanks."

Our fridge, decked out with photos, lists, cards, etc. all to remind me of the love I am surrounded by each day.
Isaiah cooking a well balanced meal : )

Our view (well 1/3 of it anyway).

Our dining room; the place where many meals with friends and family have been shared.

Isaiah killing spiders. Get them babe!

Flowers.. of course!

My clean (yes, it really is clean) art area.

What's brown and sticky? A stick... and our curtain rod... my latest home improvement project. : )

Ahh.. the color red.


Come into my world...

This is the first weekend in a couple that I have been at home. It was so refreshing to sleep-in until 9:30 and wake up next to the one I love without any hurry to begin the day. Today was so beautiful I couldn't help but be outside as much as possibe. Isaiah and I set up a table and drop cloth on our patio so that we could paint ouitside. I actually burned my shoulders, which made me smile. I finished number 2 of my fresh cut series -- Isaiah is pushing for nine. We'll see, I get bored easily.

All in all the day was perfect -- sunshine, paint, Regina, iced coffee, and my hubby. Tomorrow is predicted as rain and overcast, but I don't think I care. I feel like I was given this day to get a taste of the spring and summer that is around the corner, and I can hardly wait : )


"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened ."

Matthew 7:7-8

This could not be more true in my life... As an update, my art was accepted into the show. And even though the show is more fun than serious, it is still an answer to a prayer that I prayed the day I turned in my art. It was something along the lines of this: "Lord if this pursuit of mine is in vain and for selfish ambition, then don't let this go according to my desires. But if this is something that will glorify you, then please give me the strength to continue pursing this dream. Amen."

I often wonder if my faith and walk is mediocre because I am not a martyr, or a selfless and sacrificial missionary. God did call each and every one of us to "go make disciples of all nations (John 28:19)," but is my life meeting that call? I know that Studio 80/20, is a way to serve the Lord, but is it enough? I've been wrestling with this for some time, and came across a book called The Suburban Christian, by Albert Y. Hsu. It looks interesting enough, and is said to tackle the questions that many of us middle-class, consumerist-suburbia folk deal with.

Anyway, I am excited for the show, but ultimately for the Studio. We will see where God takes this : ) Until next time.


Fresh Cut
Mixed Media
Rachel Wyckoff

Currently Untitled
Acrylic on Canvas
Isaiah Wyckoff

Isaiah and I have been busy preparing for our new endeavor. We decided to open a gallery called Studio 80/20, where 80% of the profits will go to a charity of the buyers choice and the other 20% for us to continue doing what we love. We are looking into renting a space at the farmer's market. Even though we don't yet have a space to pursue this, Isaiah has already sold a piece! It was pretty exciting! As a personal goal, I recently submitted a couple pieces to a gallery that will feature a show called "Cut and Paste;" the name describes the nature of the art represented : ) I find out on the 17th if my work was accepted or not. Sorry that the pictures aren't very good, I still can't figure out our camera. Anyway, that is what my spare time has been occupied by-- Well, that and laundry.


Blessings -- Little bits of Manna from Above

Chocolate, family, my love, hugs, ice cream and joy are just a few words that passed through my head as I blew out my birthday candles. 24. One more year and I’ll be a quarter of a century old. Ug! I shed a few tears over this, but I am ultimately impressed by my transformation over the last 24 years. I am also impressed by the blessings in my life; who am I to deserve such amazing gifts? I know it’s a silly saying; “count you blessings,” but have you ever tried it? If you haven’t, then do it. You’ll be shocked, just as I was. Here are some blessings of mine:

My husband of four and ½ years :: My health :: His health :: Family :: Living in the same area as family :: Hugs from my niece :: Our home :: Our jobs :: Our faith :: Our new church :: New friends :: Old friends :: Education :: A cozy bed :: Loving to cook :: Painting :: Good books :: Time to read a good book :: Mornings with Isaiah :: Coffee and Bible studies :: Ice cream at Renaissance :: Chocolate :: Eva Cassidy's melodic voice :: The feeling I get when Isaiah comes in from work :: Co-workers :: My students (naughty or not) :: Hugs from my students :: Shoes :: A long talk with a friend :: Living near a Trader Joe’s :: A new haircut :: Hot showers :: My faux fur cuddling blanket :: The color red :: My in-laws dog, Sammy :: Free wireless internet :: Living near Portland :: Shopping with my Mom :: Eating lunch with my dad :: Snow days :: Sunshine :: Outdoor recess (as opposed to indoor... cabin fever!) :: Jogs around the block :: Caffe Di Lusso on Saturdays :: Holding my husband's hand

That and so many more! It feels good to know that even on my bad days there are still blessings to be counted... and even when I'm a quarter of a century old.