I can't believe how long it has been since I last blogged!! There is so much I want to write about and as I pass the computer on my way to work at 6:45 in the morning I linger long enough to imagine what my blog title would be for that day. It is official-- school has started as well as my first EVER teaching job. Stressful?...yes. Nerve racking?...why not. But surprisingly at every moment that I have had reason to worry or questions in need of resolution, someone has been there to answer. Thank you Lord! Fellow teachers can I get some form of agreement here?? Anyway, I'm alive and getting by. I just want you all to know this until I can have a break to blog my heart out.
I love and miss you Bro! Thank you for your prayers! You're in mine as well.
Thank you so much for posting a little about how teaching is going for you! I have been thinking about you and praying for you a ton this week, knowing that it was your first week teaching! So it is so good to know things are going well!
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