After surviving the first week of my first year of teaching I feel as though I can take on anything. Every veteran teacher thus far has given me the advice to "take time out for myself," which makes sense, but isn't entirely possible until a few bits and pieces are put into place. I have to admit that I worked until 8pm on Friday night and from 3pm - 9pm on Saturday BUT that was all with the intention that I would be totally prepared for Monday, leaving Sunday a purely free day. Now I am here, my free day, and totally thankful that I pushed through it all instead of falling back on the oh so familiar-- "Oh, I've worked so long...My brain really can't think...I'll come back tomorrow morning, first thing, and get this done!" So as I awoke this morning I was already feeling peaceful and content with thoughts of having a restful day.
A couple weekends ago an amazing trip took place with a group of friends-- it was a reunion of sorts and, I'm confident to say, is in the works of becoming an annual event. My poor excuse for documenting this special weekend are represented in a few pictures posted below-- for more pictures stay tuned to Jenny's Homepage which can be reached by clicking her name on the side bar. Maybe she would be kind enough to post her pictures : )
During the busy work week I like to think back to that fun weekend-- my last horaa! It's been slow getting used to this work stuff. For the last five months I have been on this whilrwind vacation. First three months in Greece, graduation, and then an entire summer break. Needless to say I am back on track with the typical American lifestyle-- sleep, eat, walk the dog, work. Right now I'm okay with it, but I can see how it all could get very redundant! Which is all the more reason to set aside a day to rejuvinate. All this to explain why my Sunday's are sooo precious. It is the Lord's desginated day of rest after all. Happy Sunday!

1 comment:
Yay Rachel! Glad you're back! :) Eric has also been truely thinking about the purpose of 'taking a Sabbath'. It was important enough to make the top ten rules-not-to-break, yet it doesn't seem very common-place among believers today. Was it simply a cultural practice back then and doesn't apply now or is God speaking to us today when he says "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy."? I believe the latter. A day to rejuvinate and rest prevents what my pastor would call "Living life in overdrive" where your days scream by and eventually years become a blur. God created so many wonderful things to enjoy: running through the fall leaves, spending time with our families, walking around a picturesque lake etc. When would we enjoy these if our lives are booked solid 24/7? I think you're on to something Rachel. Happy Sunday. :)
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