Below is the essence of RE -- a business that Isaiah is starting
These are the before and after photos of some retro chairs Isaiah picked up for $12.

These bar stools were pretty dingy when Isaiah first got them-- he ended up polishing them and repairing a patch. The table was refinished and adapted to fit the height of the chairs, making it all complete set.

RE is a business idea that Isaiah and his brothers have had for a couple years. It wasn't until Isaiah and I were without jobs and had an excess of time that we realized how perfect it would be to get this idea off the ground. The general concept of RE is to take junk that people no longer want and, using other found materials, make it into something new again. For the last month Isaiah has been a Craig's List addict, finding things off the free list to fix up. The red retro chairs above were reupholstered using the material from a Stratolounger recliner-- He bought the chairs for $12 and sold them for $110. Isaiah purchased the green bar stools for $20, spiffed them up, and sold them for $100.
Isaiah has recently been hired by the infamous Starbucks Coffee Co., meaning we have proof of two incomes and can rent our own place! Yeah! I think that it is so interesting how the Lord has been providing for us. He has given Isaiah an opportunity to start the business of his dreams and a part time job for benefits and additional income (which makes wife really happy). The Lord has also pulled some strings to provide me with afternoon sub hours, and a potential (in the works) opportunity to take on a full time position.
Isaiah and I are still holding out for this duplex that is currently rented (until the end of November). We were too poor and without jobs when we first looked at it, and I think that this place has been the motivation for Isaiah and I to keep pushing through difficult times. Right now it is a matter of re-filling out the application, and the Lord will take on the rest. There are many days when I have to stop myself from picturing us living there for fear that we won't get it... I guess my prayer is that if this place isn't supposed to be ours that our spirits wouldn't be crushed.
Needless to say, I LOVE the chairs. :) Not to mention your awesome business. Wow.
Rachel, it is so encouraging to hear how God is providing for you guys! And those chairs...I am in love! Too bad they were already sold!
Rach - You and Isaiah are such blessings. Your overall attitude of faith and persistence is such an encouragement! I know that it's not been easy to trust that things will work out, but that's why it's so cool that you can say "my prayer is..." because that is just evidence of your faith. Congratulations to your fantastic hubby and his brothers on RE! Do they have a website yet?? We love you guys!
Aw shoot guys! I didn't know you had a blog! I'm so glad to see how you guys are doing. We miss you!
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