Yet Another Update

I know, I know. Here I am again, a self proclaimed “blogger” who has been MIA from the blogging world once again. You would think that summer would offer me more time, and it did; however, lots of little things became important and took my time. I think that is so interesting…. How you your time fills so quickly with lots of little things that you never saw coming. My plan was to get into blogging, take pictures, and create loads of jewelry. None of that happened. And now that I’m supposed to be working, all I want to do is blog, take pictures and make jewelry. What is wrong with me?
As some of you know Isaiah and I have had some major life changes in the last ten months. Isaiah, after almost two years of selling signs, decided he wanted something different in life. I know I’ve chatted about this before, but here we are now. Isaiah is working hard towards earning an art degree and then a Masters in Teaching and LOVING it! He recently submitted a portfolio of art for a grant, and got it! I might be kind of bragging here, sorry. But this means that God is still helping us out, by our side, seeing us through… whatever you want to call it. Getting help with tuition is more reassurance to us that we are on the right path, which is really refreshing.
In order to make ends meet, and make it possible for Isaiah to go back to school, we had to leave our beloved rental on the historic reserve. *sigh* It’s probably the hardest part of all of this for me. BUT, I am eternally grateful to be living rent free with Isaiah’s parents. Without that sacrifice on their behalf, we would not be making it. Yes, I do feel very loserish at times… the 26 year-old who still lives with the parents… it’s pretty humbling. On the other hand, Isaiah and I have been looking into homes to buy. Super, super cheap homes. Like, no more that $70,000. There are a couple that have caught our interest, but we probably won’t jump into it until we are absolutely, 110% sure. We are trying to be smart about it, and not desperate.
Summer… Isaiah and I did a lot of weekend trips and got to see lots of wonderful friends. We have some pictures on Facebook you can check out… During the camping trip I was recovering from pneumonia (which had me out the last two week of school… crazy!), and, though I didn’t know it at the time, my thyroid was on hiatus. My face swelled up, I could barely hike, and I kept throwing my neck and back out. It was a fun trip but very discouraging. I remember just being so frustrated that I couldn’t keep up with Isaiah while hiking… it was painful physically and emotionally. When we got home I went to see the doctor about the symptoms and she told me (in reference to the facial swelling): “Well, you know that one cause of facial swelling is lack of exercise.” I have to admit, I really wanted to slap her. I finally had some blood work done, and my thyroid was off the charts low. All my symptoms, including the pneumonia, were a result of how low my thyroid function was. It is so nice to have an answer, not to mention an easy solution. I’ve been on Thyroid long enough that everything is beginning to level out. It feels nice to feel somewhat normal again.
Fall… School started up without too many hang ups. I have all the same kids I had last year, which I am truly thankful for. This job is always proving challenging for me and my attitude is not always the best… something I am working on improving regularly. Isaiah took some fun courses and honestly, if you ask him, he’ll tell you that he loved them all. Isaiah and I did get a chance to complete some races we had trained for over the summer. Isaiah ran the Victoria BC marathon, and was seconds away from qualifying for Boston (I’m so proud of him). I ran the 5k race that same day with my friend, Maria (who graciously let us stay with them). The next week I ran the Girlfriends Half Marathon, which was a total blast. I will definitely be the first to sign up for next year. Thanksgiving we headed to California with my parents and visited family that we don’t get to see often. It was a long drive, but totally worth it.
Winter… Isaiah and I decided to take go on a staycation once school was out for the holidays. We stayed at a vintage hotel in Portland themed after old Hollywood. It was a much needed time for us, and allowed us to get all of our Christmas shopping done. These last couple weeks have been a whirlwind, and it seems like Christmas has come and gone all too quickly. Nonetheless, I’m still enjoying the last bit of my time off. I created a long list of New Years resolutions (including to blog more… go me), and decided to publicly post it as a way of holding myself accountable. Here it goes…
2010 New Year Resolutions
Be more giving of my time :: Listen more, talk less :: Be more open with others :: Spend less, save more :: Call my loved ones more often :: Reconnect with friends :: Pray more :: Find contentment in the little things :: Find joy in my job every day :: Walk the dog more :: Blog more often :: Eat healthier :: Work out more regularly :: Take up Yoga or Pilates