Yesterday Isaiah and I completed our final benchmark run before the marathon. We completed 21 miles. Yeah! A lot of people wait until that run before they sign up for the race, but not Isaiah and I... we were committed before we knew we could complete all but five miles of the big run. Anyway, we did make it. Isaiah finished at 3hours 15minutes and had a 7-8min/mile pace.... show off. I finished at 4hours and 15minutes with an overall pace of 11-12min/mile, BUT I had plenty of energy to pick up my pace for the last mile (passing up 9 people) AND I did get stuck at a train crossing for about 5 minutes. So there you have it, I now believe that I can complete a marathon.

Hey :) I forgot it leaves my name as lilianne on here, but yep, it's me :) Your mom was telling me about your job when she was here last weekend, it takes a special person to do what you do and I bet you're awesome at it. The lesson I was talking about is called a TLC Lesson. They have lesson plan books about them at this website: they have lessons for nursery rhymes, letters of the alphabet, etc. They are all about learning fine motor skills like cutting and glueing, but also meet lots of other CA standards...I don't know if our standards in CA are similar to the ones in Wash, but either way the projects are really great and the kids love them. Let me know how it goes if you end up using them. Congrats on running 21 miles by the way, that's crazy! Take care!
Rachel! Thanks so much for your comment, I'm always so excited to hear from you. I miss seeing you guys and hope hope hope we will meet again. I love your updates and am a little envious of that cute scooter of yours. Nate graduates in May and then Lord willing we will be living up in Bellingham. I think maybe you guys should come up for a weekend and we can have a reunion. Glad to see you're well and a little crazy (21 miles- oh my). Lots of love to you both!
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