
Isaiah posted our camper on Craig's List yesterday for free and not even five minutes later he received an e-mail from a guy who wanted it! According to Isaiah this guy lived in the boonies and his property looked as though he frequented the free section of Craig's List a little too often-- old hot tub, washers, dryers... Anyway, our beautiful baby hadn't had a decent bath since 1985. The layer of grime that was left from where the camper once stood was unbelievable. Thankfully, today was a perfect day for washing the truck! She got a thorough bath as well as Isaiah, Samson (Isaiah's parents dog) and myself. Tons of fun! Doesn't she look beautiful??


Anonymous said...

I love your car. The colour, the style... it's so fun! :)I saw you're coming through this weekend and we are gone all Sat. .... we want to SEE you! :( I miss you.

What is Zuzuni? said...

Hey Misha-- Everybody from B-ham seems to be gone this Saturday! What is it? No worries though, Isaiah and I will be back for our REAL move sometime soon. I love you hun...and I miss you as well. Give your darling children a hello for me : )