
Isaiah posted our camper on Craig's List yesterday for free and not even five minutes later he received an e-mail from a guy who wanted it! According to Isaiah this guy lived in the boonies and his property looked as though he frequented the free section of Craig's List a little too often-- old hot tub, washers, dryers... Anyway, our beautiful baby hadn't had a decent bath since 1985. The layer of grime that was left from where the camper once stood was unbelievable. Thankfully, today was a perfect day for washing the truck! She got a thorough bath as well as Isaiah, Samson (Isaiah's parents dog) and myself. Tons of fun! Doesn't she look beautiful??
A shared idea...
Isaiah and I recently decided we wanted to open a clothing line that has a edgy urban feel to it. We really like the concept of Urban Outfitters but we hate some of the inappropriate stuff they tend to carry. We want to be a bit more wholesome than that. Here's a design that Isaiah made using textures and portions of multiple pictures he has taken:


Out of Excuses

Ever since I have returned home from my three month long stay in Greece I haven't made a single effort to contact the people I met and grew close to while I was there. There, I said it! I have made so many excuses as to why I haven't attempted an e-mail or ANYTHING to let these girls know that I love them and miss them, and now I feel that there is no excuse left. Is that odd? It's like life was on hold while I was gone, and when we came back it was almost as if I never even left. Life just started back up and I went into the flow of American life-- driving, running errands, working out, applying for jobs.... It seems as though life in Greece wasn't really life at all because it was so different. I mean the pace, the energy, the people, the communication, the location, the overall lifestyle was sooo different that I feel like it didn't even exist.

Greece DID, in fact, happen. Bottom line. Just this last weekend Isaiah and I were on a day trip to the beach with his brother, sister-in-law and darling niece. On the ride over Amber told me that we hadn't told them any stories about our time in Greece... That really got me thinking. I was able to recall some stuff that could constitute a "good story," and I think the more I processed her comment the more I wanted to remember-- to look at the pictures and reminisce. Greece did happen. I enjoyed it in many ways and struggled in others, but for some reason it is hard for me to make those contacts with the people who made the experience.

Now that I have this all out in print...I think I am avoiding hearing from the girls because I want to be there again-- hanging out on the beach, playing pool at the wee hours of the morning (getting free drinks from the bartender because we're the only chicks there : )), and just simply talking and taking delight in our differences. I miss them and I miss the time we shared and I know that that is a once in a lifetime thing-- I will never again experience Greece the way I did with them there. Does any of this make sense? I don't want it to sound like psycho-babble but maybe I'm avoiding e-mailing these girls who mean so much to me because I ___fill in the blank___ . I don't know! What I do know is that tomorrow is a new day, and tomorrow I will e-mail them this crazy blurp that has beem milling around in my head for the last few days. Sound good?


Our fourth year wedding anniversary is coming up in September and I am still totally ecstaticly silly and crazy about Isaiah. Lately I've been to a few wedding showers and it still amazes me how I can't get through a single one without hearing a snide remark about the first year of marriage and how annoying or ignorant men can be. All it takes is that one comment and then the conversations spread like wild fire..."Yeah, my husband couldn't do laundry if his life depended on it!"...."Don't be suprised if the sex isn't that good."... and on and on it goes. It's like we women have to sit there and warn, prep and scare each other in order that we might be prepared for the worst. I don't mean to be an idealist, but doesn't that sound a little twisted? Like maybe if we talk about how bad marriage is going to be then maybe, just maybe, it won't be so bad once we're there because we spent all this time preparing for the worst! Come on! Shouldn't we be building each other up? Shouldn't we be encouraging a future bride by giving her helpful tips such as; find joy in small things, comminucate with each other, listen to and at least pretend to be interested in what the other person is saying, respect one another, give without expecting to recieve.... I think that if I were one of these brides-to-be I would be thankful for the encouragements rather than the ruthless banters against marriage and men.


Our latest purchase:
1977 Ford pick-up with 56,000 miles
1977 Conestoga camper (falling apart at the seams)
I think we hit the jackpot with this one!

This is our only graduation photo that looks good out of 30 pictures that were taken! Oh well, at least we have one!