
Twister Madness

No one would really think of Vancouver as a potential location for a tornado, but today we experienced an 85-110 MPH tornado. Let me tell you that either no one knew what the heck was going on or Vancouver is full of nim-wits... I mean the amount of home video footage with people hanging around outside to get a good shot... hasn't anyone seen the Wizard of Oz?? There was a semi truck flipped, a billboard sign bent all the way back, a couple homes completely crushed. Crazy! It was pretty fun to watch unfold with thunder clap after thunder clap and hail so thick that I couldn't see two feet past my spot from the window. Of course I was teaching at the time and (thankfully) only one of my little guys wigged out. The power was out for two hours, but I managed to get the kids through a work and art time. Got to love those eventful days! Only a reminder that we shouldn't "plan for today, because we don't know what tomorrow may bring."