Our Christmas Letter 2007

Hello friends and family!
We hope that this holiday season has been a memorable one for you. For Isaiah and I December marks a full year living in our Vancouver home. It is truly amazing how time flies! We welcomed an addition to the Wyckoff family on Christmas Eve… our handsome nephew, Isaac John (9lbs 3oz and 20 ¼ inches long) finally came into the world. Finally! Isaiah and I spent Christmas Eve with my family, eating our traditional Cioppino and exchanging gifts. Christmas day was spent with the Wyckoff’s, where we enjoyed brunch, gift exchanges and a trip to the hospital to visit Casey, Melanie and new baby Isaac.
I was looking over my last Christmas letter and a certain conversation I have had with Isaiah on three separate occasions came to mind. In high school, right before graduation, Isaiah and I talked about where we thought we would be in five years. I don’t really remember what was said, but I do remember having the conversation during college and then again after our Greece trip. I guess I’ve reached a point where I realize that it doesn’t matter where we are in five years as long as God is our center and focus.
Isaiah and I are so blessed and I could not picture life any different than where it is now. We are near our family, we share a love with each other that will continue to stand firm, we have jobs to provide for our daily needs and we have dreams that (God willing) have become our pursuit in fulfilling. All this to say that what does it matter where we will be in five or ten or twenty years from now? We rest in the knowledge that the ultimate Provider cares for us and our dreams.
We hope that this season can bring joy where there was pain and laughter where there was sorrow in the hearts of all our friends and family. May God bless you in the New Year!
Isaiah and Rachel
Isaiah and Rachel