
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened ."

Matthew 7:7-8

This could not be more true in my life... As an update, my art was accepted into the show. And even though the show is more fun than serious, it is still an answer to a prayer that I prayed the day I turned in my art. It was something along the lines of this: "Lord if this pursuit of mine is in vain and for selfish ambition, then don't let this go according to my desires. But if this is something that will glorify you, then please give me the strength to continue pursing this dream. Amen."

I often wonder if my faith and walk is mediocre because I am not a martyr, or a selfless and sacrificial missionary. God did call each and every one of us to "go make disciples of all nations (John 28:19)," but is my life meeting that call? I know that Studio 80/20, is a way to serve the Lord, but is it enough? I've been wrestling with this for some time, and came across a book called The Suburban Christian, by Albert Y. Hsu. It looks interesting enough, and is said to tackle the questions that many of us middle-class, consumerist-suburbia folk deal with.

Anyway, I am excited for the show, but ultimately for the Studio. We will see where God takes this : ) Until next time.


Fresh Cut
Mixed Media
Rachel Wyckoff

Currently Untitled
Acrylic on Canvas
Isaiah Wyckoff

Isaiah and I have been busy preparing for our new endeavor. We decided to open a gallery called Studio 80/20, where 80% of the profits will go to a charity of the buyers choice and the other 20% for us to continue doing what we love. We are looking into renting a space at the farmer's market. Even though we don't yet have a space to pursue this, Isaiah has already sold a piece! It was pretty exciting! As a personal goal, I recently submitted a couple pieces to a gallery that will feature a show called "Cut and Paste;" the name describes the nature of the art represented : ) I find out on the 17th if my work was accepted or not. Sorry that the pictures aren't very good, I still can't figure out our camera. Anyway, that is what my spare time has been occupied by-- Well, that and laundry.