Our first house sitting assignment was simple...water plants and sleep/live in house. This current house sitting assignments has been interesting. It includes the following components: plants to water, beautiful old home in Portland to tend, seven month old Lakeland Terrier to watch and feed and play with (side note: this doggie has never been alone longer than four hours), and last but definantly not least the fattest cat you will ever meet who just so happens to need insulin shots twice a day. Like I said...interesting. Tonight is our last night here and this experience has taught me one thing....I DO NOT want a puppy. I have to admit that although Izzy (short for Isabelle), can be cute at times...she can be a royal pain in the arss. This crazy dog goes nuts when any water is running (seriously, she tried to chew through the fence to get to the neighbors sprinkler), has been caught eating her own poo (multiple times), and finds endless delight in tug of war. The cat. This is a different story...Orlando (or as we like to call him "Kitty") has diabetes, and therefore needs insulin shots twice a day. The problem has been this, Kitty is on his last leg of life and is not eating-- insulin can't be given on an empty stomach, because Kitty could go into shock. Ug! So just imagine Isaiah and I force feeding Kitty with watered down cat food via a turkey baster. I know...it's ugly, but don't worry, the cat was not and will not be harmed. The insanity ends tomorrow...thank goodness! Our end goal is this-- 1) survive one more day of keeping Izzy away from poo, 2) keep the house together and not kill plants and 3) keep Kitty alive!
Our first house sitting assignment was simple...water plants and sleep/live in house. This current house sitting assignments has been interesting. It includes the following components: plants to water, beautiful old home in Portland to tend, seven month old Lakeland Terrier to watch and feed and play with (side note: this doggie has never been alone longer than four hours), and last but definantly not least the fattest cat you will ever meet who just so happens to need insulin shots twice a day. Like I said...interesting. Tonight is our last night here and this experience has taught me one thing....I DO NOT want a puppy. I have to admit that although Izzy (short for Isabelle), can be cute at times...she can be a royal pain in the arss. This crazy dog goes nuts when any water is running (seriously, she tried to chew through the fence to get to the neighbors sprinkler), has been caught eating her own poo (multiple times), and finds endless delight in tug of war. The cat. This is a different story...Orlando (or as we like to call him "Kitty") has diabetes, and therefore needs insulin shots twice a day. The problem has been this, Kitty is on his last leg of life and is not eating-- insulin can't be given on an empty stomach, because Kitty could go into shock. Ug! So just imagine Isaiah and I force feeding Kitty with watered down cat food via a turkey baster. I know...it's ugly, but don't worry, the cat was not and will not be harmed. The insanity ends tomorrow...thank goodness! Our end goal is this-- 1) survive one more day of keeping Izzy away from poo, 2) keep the house together and not kill plants and 3) keep Kitty alive!

I just finished my week long new teacher training. It was amazing all the work they put into the week to make us feel supported and welcome. The last day (today) the superintendent had a suprise for us. He told us about his situation when he first started teaching...married, broke, barely enough to get by. On top of all that he wouldn't receive his paycheck until the end of September. Sounds familiar : ) Anyway, he arranged it so that we could get our paycheck early...so we got our week worth of wages today! It is amazing how the Lord has been taking care of us. Just the day before Isaiah informed me he was broke...when he told me how little we had I didn't break out in tears (which I've been doing a lot lately) instead, I felt this overwhelming sense of peace. I was able to comfort and reassure him even though I didn't know how we would get gas in the car. I know the paycheck, our manna from heaven, is just enough to keep us going. It's a reminder of the Lord's faithfulness to us. We are continually blessed and rich in the love and graciousness of our Lord, and I just feel obligated to share that with you all.
Recipe of the Week: Salad Rolls

This is my latest inspiration. I love food. Recently decided that I need to eat healthier. Why not share my inspiration with my friends and family? This recipe is packed with veggies and all around yumminess. In other words-- it tastes good AND it's healthy. What a concept! I hope you enjoy this recipe along with others that will follow.
You need:
Carrots (peeled-- yeah, eat the shavings)
Cucumber (julienned)
Fresh Bean Sprouts
Tofu (extra firm) or Shrimp
Red Leaf Lettuce (do not chop, just peal off the whole leaf and wash)
Small Rice Noodles (found in most Asian markets)
Round Rice Paper (also found in most Asian markets)
Soy Sauce
Sweet Chili Sauce
Large round bowl or a pan with a lip (to hold water)
Smooth kitchen towel
You do:
Prep all the veggies.
The mint, basil, and cilantro don't need to be chopped unless you want to.
Cook the noodles and the tofu or shrimp.
Boil water.
Pour the hot water into the large bowl or pan.
Layout the towel on a hard, flat surface (like, the counter)
Dip the rice paper into the hot water and wait approx. 2 minutes or until it is soft.
Gently pull the rice paper from the water and place on the kitchen towel so it is flat.
Fill the middle with everything except the sauce (lay the lettuce over the top-- you may have to trim the end to adjust to the size).
Gently roll it like a burrito, try to make it tight for easy eating.
If the paper tears just prep another rice paper and re-roll it (bascially, just double up the wrap).
Serve with the soy sauce and sweet chili sauce. Enjoy!

This is my latest inspiration. I love food. Recently decided that I need to eat healthier. Why not share my inspiration with my friends and family? This recipe is packed with veggies and all around yumminess. In other words-- it tastes good AND it's healthy. What a concept! I hope you enjoy this recipe along with others that will follow.
You need:
Carrots (peeled-- yeah, eat the shavings)
Cucumber (julienned)
Fresh Bean Sprouts
Tofu (extra firm) or Shrimp
Red Leaf Lettuce (do not chop, just peal off the whole leaf and wash)
Small Rice Noodles (found in most Asian markets)
Round Rice Paper (also found in most Asian markets)
Soy Sauce
Sweet Chili Sauce
Large round bowl or a pan with a lip (to hold water)
Smooth kitchen towel
You do:
Prep all the veggies.
The mint, basil, and cilantro don't need to be chopped unless you want to.
Cook the noodles and the tofu or shrimp.
Boil water.
Pour the hot water into the large bowl or pan.
Layout the towel on a hard, flat surface (like, the counter)
Dip the rice paper into the hot water and wait approx. 2 minutes or until it is soft.
Gently pull the rice paper from the water and place on the kitchen towel so it is flat.
Fill the middle with everything except the sauce (lay the lettuce over the top-- you may have to trim the end to adjust to the size).
Gently roll it like a burrito, try to make it tight for easy eating.
If the paper tears just prep another rice paper and re-roll it (bascially, just double up the wrap).
Serve with the soy sauce and sweet chili sauce. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: The following message is mere speculation. The author is by no means a Bible Scholar and does not promote misinterpretation of the Bible. The author does promote the discussing of the Word and encourages others to share, agree, and rebuke any of the following commentary. You have been warned.
My two married special education cohorts and I recently decided to do a study on the book of Ruth. I wanted to type an e-mail to them (Jen and Deb) to comment and discuss, and then I thought.. "How cool would it be to get other people involved in this discussion?" There you have it. Fellow bloggers (all five of you who look at my blog) I hope you will assist me in this effort.
Chapter 1:
Setting the stage-- Isn't it amazing how God uses our most desperate and painful moments to show us His amazing grace? I know I'm jumping ahead a bit, but from the first part of chapter one you see everything meaningful to Naomi is taken from her. By the end of the chapter she is so full of sorrow she doesn't even want her own name: "Don't call me Naomi," she told them. "Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the Lord has brought misfortune unpon me. " Now if I were Ruth I might be thinking, "Whoa, what am I? Chopped liver??" Blinded by her grief, Naomi can't see the true jem God has given her; the one who will be a key player in bringing back the hope in Naomi's life....Ruth.
Now I know I have glossed over some really beautiful parts of chapter one... I think that I will never cease to be touched in some way by the parting of Orpah, Ruth and Naomi. One of the most beautiful moments in scripture is the dedication, determination and bravery Ruth displays when she begs Naomi to let her stay. This brings tears to my eyes: But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me. "
Can you just picture saying those words in prayer to God? What about your husband? I think I am moved by these words because it indicates a desperation on Ruth's behalf to leave (or dare I say escape from) the people, lifestyle and religion she knew and grew up with. A little background on Moab's origin compliments of The Bible Knowledge Commentary... Lot's two daughter's were upset and ready to do anything to secure a future after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah so they came up with a twisted plan- they got their dad drunk, slept with him and became pregnant. Great beginning huh? Well their sons, Moab and Ben-Ammi went on to become founders of the Moabites and Ammonites. Yikes. Anyway, Ruth is at a ground breaking moment... She is shutting the door on her culture, religion and roots.
Let me know what you think.
My two married special education cohorts and I recently decided to do a study on the book of Ruth. I wanted to type an e-mail to them (Jen and Deb) to comment and discuss, and then I thought.. "How cool would it be to get other people involved in this discussion?" There you have it. Fellow bloggers (all five of you who look at my blog) I hope you will assist me in this effort.
Chapter 1:
Setting the stage-- Isn't it amazing how God uses our most desperate and painful moments to show us His amazing grace? I know I'm jumping ahead a bit, but from the first part of chapter one you see everything meaningful to Naomi is taken from her. By the end of the chapter she is so full of sorrow she doesn't even want her own name: "Don't call me Naomi," she told them. "Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the Lord has brought misfortune unpon me. " Now if I were Ruth I might be thinking, "Whoa, what am I? Chopped liver??" Blinded by her grief, Naomi can't see the true jem God has given her; the one who will be a key player in bringing back the hope in Naomi's life....Ruth.
Now I know I have glossed over some really beautiful parts of chapter one... I think that I will never cease to be touched in some way by the parting of Orpah, Ruth and Naomi. One of the most beautiful moments in scripture is the dedication, determination and bravery Ruth displays when she begs Naomi to let her stay. This brings tears to my eyes: But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me. "
Can you just picture saying those words in prayer to God? What about your husband? I think I am moved by these words because it indicates a desperation on Ruth's behalf to leave (or dare I say escape from) the people, lifestyle and religion she knew and grew up with. A little background on Moab's origin compliments of The Bible Knowledge Commentary... Lot's two daughter's were upset and ready to do anything to secure a future after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah so they came up with a twisted plan- they got their dad drunk, slept with him and became pregnant. Great beginning huh? Well their sons, Moab and Ben-Ammi went on to become founders of the Moabites and Ammonites. Yikes. Anyway, Ruth is at a ground breaking moment... She is shutting the door on her culture, religion and roots.
Let me know what you think.
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